Showing category "Bitcoin News" (Show all posts)

Bill Gates on digital money

Posted by steven potts on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, In : Bitcoin News 

ill Gates has answered questions on bitcoin’s potential on Bloomberg TV’s Street Smart show at the recent Sibos event, saying bitcoin is exciting but still he is still wary.

Transaction fees were listed as one of the primary benefits of bitcoin long list of possibilities, with it being ‘better than currency in that you don’t have to be physically in the same place’, noting that for large transactions, currency isn’t always the best option, but that bitcoin might not be that great e...

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Startup challenge won by Epiphyte

Posted by steven potts on Saturday, October 11, 2014, In : Bitcoin News 

he SWIFT Innotribe Startup Competition at Sibos 2014 was won by Epiphyte, a cryptocurrency finance company providing real-world solutions for using existing banking infrastructure to add in cryptocurrency payments.

The prize for the award is a substantial US$50,000, and the technology company won the Top Startup award with its product cBridge. cBridge is a cryptocurrency product for global banking and finance firms, offering distributed ledger solutions for mainstream finance. Epiphyte’s ult...

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